Consider it joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials.
James 1:2 NASB
Doctors, tests and EEG's; that is how I spent today. Various trials seem to be a way of life for me, but count it as joy? That will require an attitude adjustment!
This "Chronic Warrior" is used to the battle, but I can't say I count it as joy.
But I am joyful that I am still here to experience this pain, these tremors, these aching bones/muscles, and last but not least this extreme fatigue. It means I am alive, able to spend time with family and friends...when this illness allows. It helps me to remember how precious this one life (on earth) is.
My family and friends alone cannot give me what I need to keep fighting the battle. God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, is where I draw my strength from. It's what keeps me centered, grounded, and grateful. Remembering His sacrifice; through pain, blood, and suffering on the cross, for me to have a forever life in heaven. This life, the everlasting one, is what gives me hope and peace; knowing that one day I will be free, healed, healthy and whole in the presence of God.
In the the mean time I will ...
Consider it a sheer gift, when tests and challenges come at me from all
I will remeber that under pressure, my faith-life is forced into the open
and shows its true colors.
I won't try to get out of anything prematurely. I will let it do its work in me
so I can become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.
James 1:2-4 (MSG)

Lord, help me to focus on you and not my pain, help me to count these trials as joy, for they build character, patience, perseverance and trust in You!