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Are You in Limbo and Feeling Anxious?

Writer: kimberlydopkimberlydop

Updated: Apr 18, 2024

Are you here? Right at this moment, where a little anxiety meets anticipation?

Knowing what is now...butwill not be...yet not knowing what is to come? I know this feeling only to well! Raising a daughter and moving every three years or so with my husbands job. If your a Military wife, I know you live this daily!

How can you deal with the anxiety and that "limbo" feeling, when you just want to get onto the next place or thing in your life! If you are here, then I want to share with you some amazing Iread.....

Here are 4 steps from The Women’s Field Guide to Exceptional Living by Corrie Woods. Click to go to the book.

Step #1 Observe What Is...

Slow down long enough to clearly observe what is happening, Honestly. realistically describe the situation. This is a juncture at which to carve out some personal retreat time to reflect and journal.

( I like to go outside to do this, away from the situation. My favorite spot? Near the water, on the beach, on a quiet weekday, for me there is nothing better than being outside!)

“Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a little while." Mark 6:31 NASB

Step #2 Create a climate for positive change...

Take great care of yourself. Look for ways to rest and renew. Clearly communicate with those you love, what is happening and what support you may need.

Step#3 Visualize the ideal...

Get clear about how you would like to emerge from this transition and how you want to feel. Capture it on paper.

Step #4 Get comfortable in the G.A.P. ...

A Glorious Adventure into Possibilities! That edgy place between where you were and where you are headed is ripe with potential. So often we want too race through the GAP to get to what feels like the safety of the other side.

Notice the urgency when it arises and let it pass. The pause between here and there is a great time to allow the whisper of your inner voice to be heard. You can than more effectively assess the strengths and resources at hand. Then you can invite the shift from problem-solving to opportunity-harvesting.

I am often in this place, more than I want to admit.

I find myself praying:

“ Lord, help me to shift my thinking from problem solving to opportunity-harvesting.

You are the God of hope, strength, love and opportunity.

What are you trying to show me through this?” ~Amen

I hope you will find some comfort in this book as well. Below is a excerpt from my own journal...

On Feb 22, 2010 from my journal...

When praying I received this from the Holy Spirit...

“My child, how little you really need. I am the provider of all you need. Have I not provided for you through this whole time? All your worrying and fretting for not. I know what you need before you need it. Trust Me more. I will guide your path, you only need to take each step; do not worry yourself with where it will start or end. Have faith that I am in control. Look to opportunities I have created for you now- time to be with family, time to grow, time to meet with Me, time to realize your gifts, time to asses them. Time is forever passing and this too shall pass."

As I re-read this answer to prayer from 2010, this morning I thought about how relevant His words were again today! I hope that you will find some encouragment in them as well.

“You saw me before I was born

and scheduled each day of my life

before I began to breathe.”

Psalm 139


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