I think I have tried every diet on the planet! None have helped me to feel better or loose the weight of surgical hypothyroidism. With my increasing tremors, headaches, and muscle pain I need to do something....
Day 1 Autoimmune Solution - goal: 1 week- No cheating!
Perfect Coconut Matcha Latte ~grassfedsalsa.com
Spring Green Veggie Juice ~The Autoimmune Solution book, Dr. Amy Meyers
Sweet Apple Breakfast Sausage ~ The Autoimmune Sol., Dr. Amy Meyers
Hearty Sweet Potato Hash ~ The Autoimmune Sol., Dr. Amy Meyers
Link to the book https://amzn.to/2KOiEE6

Wow! Tastes like I‘m eating at a fine dinning establishment!
The Key~ Food prepped for the week as much as possible; It made this morning
so easy!
Today: Put the sausage and hash into the toaster oven, 350 for 10 min,
start heating the coconut milk, I used the hot water from my Keruig,
make the Veggie Juice and allow it to strain.
Finish the Matcha Latte.
Pour the Veggie Juice into a glass.
Timer on the toaster oven went off- breakfast is ready!
Note: If short on time you could reheat in the microwave, although It is best not to use it.
Bon Appetit ~ Enjoy!
Update: February 7,2019... The Autoimmune Protocol Diet has really helped with the inflammation, headaches, tremors,and muscle pain! Give it a try!