Now that you've seen the Surgeon, your next step, will be scheduling a Pre-Op Appt.
Pre-op Appts are usually done within 1-month or your scheduled surgery date.
What to expect at your next Thoracic Surgery Appointment. At this time,they will run lots of blood tests, go over any questions that may have come up since you've met with the surgeon. You may or not have any other scans or x-rays. This is a fairly easy appointment.
I also recieved a 1-inch binder of information about the Hospital, parking, visitors. what to expect during your hospital stay, how to stay safe (no falls), pre- surgery exercizes (I HIGHLY recommend you do these!), discharge information and post- surgery breathing and physical therapy instructions as well as a terminology index for my surgery type and explaination of the surgery. I'm not sure if all Hopsitals do this?
Now that you've had your Pre- Op Appointment you will want to read over everything sooner than later, Start your physical therapy exercises and walk as recommended ASAP! This will really help your recovery!!
It was not until after my surgery that I realized why they had me do these before surgery, but I'm so glad that I did! it would have been a tougher recovery if I had not. One exercise I would add, if I had known, would be lower back exercises. Luckly I was doing Yoga before I had surgery and had strenghtened my core, but my lower back could have still used some more support.
I hope this has helped you in some way. I'm praying for you and wish you a speedy recovery!
Join me for the next blog post about the first week after surgery....
